The choices of paint coatings to protect steel structures according to climatic conditions given as follows:
By relying on in house modern laboratory equipment and high-tech technology, we are set to broaden the customers’ knowledge about deciding on the right corrosion resistant coating system for protecting metal structures.
- The stages of surface preparation are carried out in two methods of chemical purification and air abrasive blasting cleaning by applying air pressure (Sandblast). For polyurethane paints, surface cleaning is solely performed by air-pressure abrasive blasting.
- In chemical purification, the thickness of the phosphate layer is controlled according to the ISO 9717 international standard.
- The permissible cleaning degree by blasting method is in accordance with ISO 8501-1 and near white metal blast cleaning Sa 2½.
- Polyester Electrostatic Powder coating: the relative resistance to impact and UV radiation with an approximate thickness is 70-90 μm.
- The guarantee period for electrostatic powder coating in urban areas with under moderate corrosion resistance not subject to continuous water spraying is 2 years and for Hammer Electrostatic Powder is up to 1 year.
Two-component polyurethane coatings: two components epoxy zinc-rich powder coating and two-component intermediate layer Epoxy polyimide suitable for corrosive environments with high humidity, UV resistant, approximate thickness of the last layer (polyurethane) 180-200 μ, the guarantee period is 5 years.
The proposed system suitable for corrosive environments and industrial areas with high humidity and corrosive atmosphere, exposed to impact and wear, hot galvanized coating, with a thickness of approximately 70-80 microns, by applying two-component polyurethane final finish color, the durability of which in these environments is at least 5 years.
Terms of Guarantee
The guarantee period will be valid from date of production.
The guarantee will not cover to the products:
- Improper transportation, storage in an unprotected warehouse prior to installation or physical damage after installation.
- Moisture trapped within a product package or leaking into it during storage, due to the late representing or inappropriate storage by Customer.
- To maintain durability of powder coating, the poles shall be mounted on a concrete surface with a height difference of 10 to 15 cm.
After Sales Services
The after-sales service involves the responsibility of installation, lights malfunctioning or any improper coatings.